Smart business owners recognize the value of professional commercial cleaning services. A clean establishment is vital, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, as customers are more inclined to frequent places they perceive as clean, sanitized, and disinfected.

According to the 2017 Consumer Cleaning Insights Survey by P&G Professional, 90% of respondents expressed a positive opinion of businesses with clean public spaces. 92% agreed that they would recommend a clean restaurant to friends, and 74% said they could overlook slower service if the establishment was notably clean.

This data underscores that cleanliness translates to business value. Unfortunately, many owners view janitorial expenses as just another operational cost, overlooking the advantages of hiring professional cleaners.

Below are four benefits of employing a professional commercial cleaning company:

Professionally Trained Cleaners

These companies collaborate with you to design a cleaning program tailored to your needs. Their professionals are well-versed in the use of appropriate products and techniques. Especially during challenges like the Covid-19 pandemic, these cleaning experts are indispensable. Employing their services saves business owners the time and cost of training in-house janitorial team to the same high standards.

Product Safety, Usage, and Cost-Efficiency

Professional cleaning businesses adhere to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines regarding cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting public spaces. They educate their staff about the chemicals in cleaning products and how to handle them safely. These businesses comply with EPA and OSHA standards. By bulk purchasing cleaning products and PPEs and staying updated with cleaning technology, they offer businesses the benefit of focusing on their core operations. Over time, savings accumulate as there’s no need to replace cleaning equipment.

Productivity and Welfare of Employees

A sanitized and orderly workspace boosts employee morale and productivity. Workers feel more secure and focused, leading to fewer sickness-related absences. When employees recognize that their well-being is a priority, they reciprocate with loyalty and hard work. This positive environment radiates outward, branding your business as a welcoming place with happy and healthy employees.

Good First Impression

A pristine workspace sends a clear message of professionalism and care for both customers and employees. Potential clients can be deterred by even a minor lapse in cleanliness. The last thing you want is for a potential customer to walk away due to a messy environment. If that happens, it’s time to consult professional cleaners.

Understanding the manifold benefits of professional cleaning, are you ready to invest in your business’s cleanliness? Contact us for a custom quote today!